
作者: djviva (淡定~ 穩中求勝) 看板: NBA
標題: [外絮] Bryant Raises Bar, but Thunder Clear I
時間: Tue May 22 15:03:31 2012 from NY Times

Bryant Raises Bar, but Thunder Clear It Easily

Kobe Bryant kept firing, deep into the night, as if he alone could postpone
the inevitable, defy physics and push his personal dynasty into another
spring. He soared and dunked and gnashed his teeth, defiant to the bitter end.
Kobe持續開火, 整夜狂暴的出手, 就像是想靠一己之力擋下這無可避免的挫敗, 並且
延續他的Kobe王朝到明年春天. 他飛升~ 灌籃~ 咬牙切齒, 蔑視這酸苦的結局

But the end did come Monday night, against an Oklahoma City Thunder team that
was younger, deeper, more talented and ready for its own moment in the
Western Conference spotlight. Bryant rose, but Kevin Durant and Russell
Westbrook rose higher, leading the Thunder to a 106-90 rout, a five-game
victory and a trip to the conference finals.
面對著更年輕, 板凳深度更深, 更有天賦並且準備好迎接他們時代來臨的雷霆, 湖人
本季的最後一天還是來了. 雖然Kobe放起了無雙, 但雷霆是雷帝跟西河一起放無雙,
沒幫手的Kobe怎贏? 最後106-90雷霆獲勝, 4-1湖人出局無緣西區冠軍賽

Durant scored 25 points and Westbrook 28, and both saved their best for a
late-game kick that put the game away. The Thunder outscored the Lakers,
33-17, over the final 15 minutes 27 seconds. Bryant had 42 points going 18
for 33 from the field, but the Lakers never provided him much help.
雷帝25分西河28分, 並且在後段關鍵期有好好發揮拉開跟湖人的差距. 最後的15分27
秒, 兩隊得分雷霆33:湖人17決定了勝負, 雖然Kobe全場33投18中拿下42分, 但孤臣
無力可回天, oh no~ 不是臣, 沒有將相輔佐的紫微星在夜空中綻放不出勝利的光芒

The Thunder will meet the San Antonio Spurs in the conference finals. The
Lakers, who endured a difficult season of change with the departures of Coach
Phil Jackson, Lamar Odom and Derek Fisher, are heading for an off-season of
西區冠軍賽由雷霆對決馬刺了, 本季經歷了禪師走人換教頭, 第六人Odom跟老漁被
賣掉等艱難經驗的湖人, 即將步入無可預知的休賽期

For three quarters, neither team could get separation. No lead went beyond
single digits, and it never lasted long.
前三節, 兩隊都緊咬著對方, 即使有領先也是短暫&差距很小的

Then Westbrook turned into a blur, and the Lakers stood dumbfounded, suddenly
staring at a 16-point deficit. He provided a jolt late in the third with two
spectacular 3-point plays — one a bank shot, the other a driving scoop shot,
both through hard fouls by Ramon Sessions.
此時, 西河突然跳了出來打破這拉鋸局面, 他投進了兩顆非常特別的三分打, 這兩個
小無雙讓湖人驚的目瞪口呆, 眼睜睜的看著分差拉大到16分...

Durant hit back-to-back 3-pointers early in the fourth, and Westbrook drove
for another layup in an 11-0 burst that gave the Thunder a 93-77 lead.
這波攻勢包含了第四節初11-0的攻勢, 雷帝連進兩顆三分, 加上西河的上籃, 比數來

Bryant had been on the bench, and the deficit was 14 when he returned to the
court. But his aggression backfired as he missed two quick 3-pointers. The
Lakers never mounted a serious rally after that and went quietly to their
second straight second-round exit — their worst consecutive playoff showings
since Pau Gasol arrived in 2008.
雷霆的這波攻勢發生在Kobe坐在板凳休息時, 眼看著分差拉大到14分, Kobe再度上場
, 但事與願違, Kobe並沒命中接下來的兩顆三分....連兩年第二輪敗北

The last time the Lakers went consecutive years without reaching at least the
conference finals was in 2006-7, when they were eliminated in the first round.

The “Beat L.A.!” chants started before the game. Seventeen rows above
midcourt, a sign read, “L.A., Time to Pass the Torch,” with a skillfully
drawn torch in place of the word.
除了"Beat L.A.", 還有海報寫著"L.A.傳承的時候到了, 退位吧!"

Bryant, on a quest for his sixth championship at age 33, did everything he
could to postpone that moment. He attacked the basket with the spirit of a
25-year-old, producing a series of powerful dunks. He was by far the Lakers’
best option, and at times seemingly their only option.
33歲的Kobe為了第六冠拼了全力盡其所能的阻止這一刻到來, 但只有他, 湖人沒人了

Andrew Bynum, the Lakers’ mercurial young center, battled foul trouble and
drifted in and out of the game, finishing with 10 points and 4 rebounds.
Gasol, whose late turnover in Game 4 sealed a Lakers defeat, bounced back
with 14 points and 16 rebounds.
拜嫩, 陷入犯規麻煩, 最終只有10分4籃板; 嘎獸小回春, 14分16籃板

The Thunder took a 54-51 lead into halftime, after a messy finish to the
first half and a group meltdown by the Lakers. Metta World Peace earned a
flagrant foul for knocking down Thabo Sefolosha on a fast-break attempt.
World Peace and Bryant got technical fouls for arguing the call, leading to a
4-point possession for the Thunder.
雷霆以54-51進入中場休息, 但上半結束的亂糟糟. 慈世平因為撂倒快攻中的沙發樓下
被吹一個惡性犯規, 接著他跟Kobe因為跟裁判爭執這吹判各被判了次技術犯規

Bryant turned in a throwback performance in the first half (19 points),
throwing down two reverse dunks and generally scoring at will. A revived
Gasol added 10 points, giving the Lakers reason to believe they could survive
another day.
上半場火力全開的Kobe拿下19分, 再看看旁邊的嘎獸也貢獻了10分, 此時湖人真的

Gasol’s demeanor was of great interest after the Lakers’ late-game collapse
in Game 4, which was followed by Bryant publicly calling him out for his lack
of assertiveness. It was a potentially risky move, but Coach Mike Brown said
Bryant was right.

“Yeah, I think he does need to be more aggressive,” Brown said of Gasol
before tip-off.

Clearly, Gasol got the message, even if the results were mixed. He missed
five of his first six shots, before hitting his next three. Early on, Bryant
was the Lakers’ only reliable weapon, going 6 for 9 from the field in the
first quarter while his teammates went 2 for 12.
很明顯的, 相較上一場嘎獸今天就打的挺積極的, 雖然前6投只中1, 但之後連續命中
三球, 不然在這之前, 湖人只能依靠Kobe的9投6中, 因為其他隊友這時候僅12中2..

清晨霧一般的思念, 清新 double, 美麗 double, 捉摸不定 double...

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◆ From:
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