作者: djviva (淡定~ 穩中求勝) 看板: NBA
標題: [外絮] 喇叭詹出色表現, 卻只能臭臉
時間: Thu Jun 14 14:28:32 2012

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NBA Finals: LeBron James is playing great basketball, and appears miserable
while doing it. 喇叭詹打得出色, 但只能臭臉面對比賽結果

Father time is catching up with Miami Heat. James is taking the Heat about as
far as one player can go. 熱火快沒時間了, 喇叭詹已經替熱火做出足夠的貢獻了

LeBron James says he's having fun. Says he's enjoying himself.
喇叭詹說他很開心, 很滿意他自己

Sure doesn't look like it.

LeBron is doing his ultimate Superman impersonation. Faster than a speeding
bullet (though not Russell Westbrook). More powerful than a locomotive. Able
to leap tall buildings in a single bound.

And in serious need of counseling, or at least a weekend trip to his Fortress
of Solitude.
但他需要心理諮商 or 一個周末來好好靜靜

As LeBron continues his chase of that elusive championship, with Game 2 of
the NBA Finals in downtown OKC on Thursday night, my only question for LeBron
is this.
當喇叭繼續追逐那個老躲著他的總冠軍時, 我只想問他一個問題, 就是...

Where's the joy?

---要忙了, 接力接力!!

Where's the on-court bowling ball fun and the posing for fake pictures and
the chalk shower he gave anyone sitting at the scorer's table? Where's the
guy with a bounce in his step even when the clock wasn't moving?

LeBron is playing basketball like the burden of the Free World rests on his
shoulders. Responsibility run amok.

He says otherwise. “I think I have a lot of fun with the game,” LeBron
said. “This year in particular, I have a lot of fun or I've had a lot of fun
with the game. I got back to what drove me to the game and what made me fall
in love with the game.”

Yeah, he's a barrel of laughs. When the whole danged world is having a good
time with Westbrook's goofy wardrobe, including Russ himself, LeBron
stoically proclaimed that no, Westbrook did not set the fashion trend of
lensless eyewear. LeBron disputed Westbrook's assertions with all the
seriousness of C-SPAN.

LeBron's game is at an all-time high. He had a routine Game 1 – 30 points,
nine rebounds, four assists.

Routine only compared to that Game 6 in Boston, where LeBron had 45 points,
15 rebounds, five assists and only seven missed shots. Which might not even
have been his best game of these playoffs, considering he had 40 points, 18
rebounds and nine assists in a crucial Game 4 win over Indiana.

Truth is, LeBron never has played better. And never looked more miserable
doing it.

He jumped ship in Cleveland in an admission he needed more help and landed on
a superstar cruise ship in Miami only to discover that he needs more help.

The Thunder appears to have the better team in these Finals. Seemed that way
going into the series, seemed that way coming out of Game 1.

This is Cleveland South (Beach). The Heat will go as far as LeBron can take
it, and LeBron is taking the Heat about as far as one player can go.

He's got a beat-up Dwyane Wade and a beat-up Chris Bosh, and while I suppose
that's better than Mo Williams and Anderson Varejao, that's not what LeBron
had in mind.

LeBron needs Wade to be the Wade of yesteryear. The Wade of the 2006 Finals,
and Wade wistfully talked Wednesday of how that's not going to happen. Not
even South Beach can tame Father Time.

While LeBron looks at least the equal of the wondrous Kevin Durant, Wade does
not look the equal of Westbrook, and suddenly the talent edge even at the top
isn't Miami's. Who would have thought that fate would befall Miami so quickly
when the Heatles formed two summers ago?

Wade has admitted he has passed the reins to LeBron. This is LeBron's team,
and any talk otherwise – which has been rampant since they teamed up – now
seems silly.

“Sometimes I go to him and tell him I need one of those games from him, I
need one of those performances from him because he still has it,” LeBron
said of Wade. “He knows he still has it, too, but every player needs a
little kick every now and then, no matter how time tested they are.”

For a variety of reasons, LeBron went from carefree superstar to
arch-villain. A plot right out of DC Comics if ever there was one.

LeBron didn't seem to mind, because it paired him with his buddy Wade and it
put him on what everyone thought was an unbeatable team.

Turns out the Mavs were experienced and hot a year ago and the Thunder is hot
and young this year, and suddenly those multiple championships LeBron talked
about – “not two, not three, not four, not five, not six, not seven…” –
have been reduced to a singular goal. Can Miami win one?

“We live in a different world probably than most teams,” Heat coach Erik
Spoelstra understated.

And so LeBron plays brilliant basketball with the albatross of expectation
around his neck and the awesome weight of responsibility on his shoulders,
and while he's a better player than ever, he's doing it carrying a mighty

LeBron has everything he wanted. Be careful what you wish for.

清晨霧一般的思念, 清新 double, 美麗 double, 捉摸不定 double...

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